Nazarene Jewish Christianity is a comprehensive study of the heirs of the earliest Jerusalem church, their history and doctrines, and their relations with both synagogue and the growing Gentile church. The author analyzes all sources, Jewish, Christian, and pagan, which can shed light on the sect and its ultimate mysterious disappearance. He also deals with the Birkat haMinim and historicity of the flight to Pella.
גרסה מקוונת לספר זה אפשר לקנות כאן
"This meticulous investigation was submitted, in its earlier garb, as a doctoral dissertation at The Hebrew University, and its author shows the mastery of the philological tools required from young scholars. The topic is well chosen, and the author rightly points out the discrepancy in modern research between the great interest devoted to the Ebionites and the extreme poverty of scholarship on the Nazarenes. His hope that the present book may fill an inadmissible hole in research, and hence permit progress toward the understanding of the Jewish-Christian phenomenon in the early centuries, is amply justified by the results. Here is a full-scale and trustworthy study which will be used by scholars in the field. The texts studied are reproduced and translated, and their analysis is careful and honest." - Gedaliahu G Stroumsa, The Jewish Quarterly Review, LXXXII, Nos 3-4, (January-April, 1992), pp. 573-574