חיים גורן

Prof. Haim Goren (1946-2025) taught in the Department for Multidisciplinary Studies, Tel- Hai Academic College, in the Upper Galilee, Israel, and lived in Rosh Pinna. He did his B.A. in the University of Haifa, M.A. and Ph.D. in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on a personal program in Historical Geography. His main scientific interest lied within different aspects of the European engagement in Eretz Israel and the neighbouring countries during the 400 years of Ottoman rule. The main fields of research were the German invovement in 19th century Palestine, the history of the scientific study of the country and the region, and travellers' and pilgrims' literature. Publications: Haim goren, 'Go View the Land': German Study of Palestine in the Nineteenth Century, Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, 1999 (also a German version); Haim Goren (ed.), Germany and the Middle East: Past, Present and Future (World Powers and the Middle East, The Harry S. Truman Institute), Jerusalem: Magnes, 2003
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