Maren R. Niehoff holds the Max Cooper Chair of Jewish Thought at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is a member of the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities. She has edited the last two volumes of Philo's works in Hebrew. She has written and edited numerous books on Hellenistic Judaism and its connection to rabbinic literature and early Christianity. Her work was distinguished twice by the Polonsky Prize for Originality and Creativity in the Humanities. Recently, she received the Leopold Lucas Prize. Among her books are: Jewish Bible Exegesis and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria (Cambridge 2011); Philo on Jewish Culture and Identity (Tübingen 2001); The Figure of Joseph in Post-Biblical Jewish Literature (Leiden 1992); Self, Self-Fashioning and Individuality in Late Antiquity (Tübingen 2019; edited together with Joshua Levinson); Journeys in the Roman East: Imagined and Real (Tübingen 2017, edited); Homer and the Bible in the Eyes of Ancient Interpreters (Leiden 2012, edited)