>Man and His Dignity
מידע נוסף
480 גר'

Man and His Dignity


This book is concerned with the exploration of the concept of human dignity, which is taken as the ultimate basis of the entitlement of man to his special position in the inter-human context, and also as what can be described as the metaphysical orbit. The thesis of the book is that the concept is so eclectic that it is mandatory to explore its various components: man and morality, and the attribution of sanctity to human life. The method pursued explores these various aspects by analyzing the most prominent expressions of the various views of philosophers, and adding critical comments to the analysis.

ביקורות ועוד

From a reader review on Amazon:
The fundamental idea of this work is that the concept of 'the dignity of man'with which we attempt to justify general or particular human rights of various kinds, grows out of our collective ' self- reflection' It is as the author states 'perhaps the most prominent(idea)in the history of man's self- reflection and self- evaluation.' Rotenstreich, a Kant scholar, finds the sources of the idea, and the contexts in which it is employed to be 'eclectic' And in this work he analyzes in it in relation to the idea of Man's being a creature created in the image of God, in connection with elements of human creativity, in relation to morality, and also in relation to human sanctity.
The concept of human dignity is one which has been greatly evoked in the recent bioethical debates especially by the moral philosopher Leon Kass.
This book provides valuable insight into an essential concept for human self- understanding.