>Jewish Studies 42
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Jewish Studies 42

Journal of the World Union of Jewish Studies

Vol. 42

Jewish Studies – Journal of the World Union of Jewish Studies has appeared since 1996, when it replaced the WUJS Newsletter, which had been published since 1970. It presents original innovative essays in all fields of Jewish Studies, and includes lists of new publications in these fields.

In this volume:


The Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies

Ruth R. Wisse – The Pain and the Gain of Proposing a Canon

Monika Adamczky-Garbowska & Antony Polonsky – Caught in Half-Sentence: Polish-Jewish Writing Before World War I and in Inter War Poland

Jonathan D. Sarna – Jewish Culture Comes to America

Book Reviews

Wout Jac. Van Bekkum – Don Vidal Benveniste's Melitsat Efer ve-Dinah, By Matti Huss

Scott Ury – Can We Go Home Again: Shmuel Werses and the Lost World of East European Jewry



Yair Zakovitz – On the Canon of the Heart: the Genetics of Canonization in Hebrew Literature

Ya'akov Sussman – At the Completion of the Concordances' Project by the Kossovsky Family

Menachem Elon – The "Other" in MISHPAT IVRI and in the Decisions (Judiciary) of The Supreme Court

Abraham Melamed – The Image of the "Other" in medieval Jewish Thought: Between Gender and Color

Sagit Mor – The Status of Female Captives on their Return to the Jewish Community in the Talmudic Literature

Alon Goshen-Gotstein – Polemomania-Methodological Reflection on the Study of the Judeo-Christian Controversy between the Talmudic Sages and Origin over the Interpretations of the Song of Songs

Yochanan Cohen-Yashar – Philo Alexandronius – On the Change of Names

Michal Arbel – "Three Sisters": Notes on Narrative Closure in the Fiction of S. Y. Agnon

Book Reviews

Aviad Hacohen – The Writing of Judge Prof. Menachem Elon

Nahem Ilan – Zeev Gries - The Book as an Agent of Culture

Ron Margolin – Emmanuel Levinas – Nine Talmudic Readings

Yael Shemesh – Uriel Simon – "Seek Peace and Pursue it" – Topical Issues in the Light of the Bible

Aviad Hacohen – A Selection of Prof. Saul Lieberman's Letters

Haim Weiss – New Books and Periodicals in Jewish Studies