>The Words Not Taken
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Catalog number :

The Words Not Taken

A dictionary of Forgotten Words


Several thousand short sections from newspapers, periodicals, books and other printed publications in Israel have been assembled in this book. They are all from the "Resurrection period"- from the seventies of the 19th century until the defeat of the Turks and their withdrawal from the country in 1918. What connects these sections is that they contain "Stray words": foreign words that over time were replaced with suitable substitutes in Hebrew; Words in Hebrew that failed in replacing foreign words; Words in Hebrew that were replaced by newer words and words that we use today but with different meaning.

All these words are strays, but not necessarily lost: among them must be such that will draw the reader's attention, so much so that they will not hesitate to use them today.

The dictionary is designed not only for lovers of language, researchers and teachers, but also for all those interested in the history of the early years of the new Israel, both because they will feel the spirit of that time through the quotations in the book and because it will help understand the writings of those times.

Lovers of cultural anecdotes will find a large variety here.