>Africa and Israel
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Africa and Israel

A Unique Case of Radical Changes in Israel's Foreign Relations


The relationship between Israel and Africa is a unique case of radical changes that Israel did not experience in its relations with other continents.
During the 1960's when most African states received their independence, Israel was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with them and to offerthem assistance. Its representatives operated in 33 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Africa occupied an important place in Israel's foreign policy. The considerations that made Israel establish such a widespread presence in Africa were political, economic, humanitarian and security. Israel had expectations that through friendly relations with many African states, she could break through the circle of Arab enmity,strengthen her security and bolster her legitimacy. Hundreds of Israeli experts were dispatched to africa and tens of thousands of African students came to Israel.
There followed, however, tremendous disappointment. In 1973, during the Yom Kippur war and after,almost all african states broke off diplomatic relations with Israel. The author elaborates on the main reasons for this collapse.
In the 1980's Israel returns to Africa and at present it has diplomatic relations with 40 African countries. However, several changes have taken place in Israel's present policy towards Africa and they are discussed in the book. The author, who spent nearly 2 decades in Africa, has based his thesis on primary sources and also on his personal experiences


Catedra, by: Prof. Hagai Erlich, July 2014
"They [Isareli policy makers] should cultivate Israel’s cooperation with African academic circles, in order to demonstrate that, despite extremist Islamic African charges to the contrary, Israel is not an enemy of Islam." - Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, by: Dr. Yosef Govrin, December 2013
Ro'e ha'heshbon, March 2012