>Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs Vol. VII
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1060 gr.

Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs Vol. VII

The Itzick Manger Volume

Edited by:

Itzik Manger (1901-1969) stands out as the last great bearer of Yiddish song and humor, equal if not exceeding others in his power of feeling, invention, imagination and popular expression. His style of writing remained essentially the Yiddish of ordinary people, as spoken in shops and markets. To him, poetry was the supreme form of literature – a direct and sublime means of communication between the poet and reader. Manger was divinely endowed with “antennas” able to pick up delicate meaning often deliberately ambiguous, or intentionally obscure, dreamlike visions – and transmit them to the reader.

Manger’s approach to the heroes of the Bible, whom he “brought down” from the heavens and transformed into ordinary Jews of Poland and other Yiddish speaking communities, remains in the minds of Yiddish speaking populations of Europe and the Americas.

The lyrics and other texts in this volume, the seventh in the series of the Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs, are translated into Hebrew and English to ensure their survival for future generations. Most of the translations are “singable” - a rare and ingenious feat, requiring not only perfect knowledge of both languages, but also a deep feeling for music, rhythm, cadence, accents and so on.

The main purpose of this book is not to deal with Manger’s singular poetic style or unique sense of humor, all of which are no less the product of Manger’s genius, but to publish some 50 of his poems, set to music, in the hope that other composers will be attracted to their exotic beauty and will enrich the world of spiritual culture.