>Jewish Studies 40
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720 gr.

Jewish Studies 40

Journal of the World Union of Jewish Studies

Edited by:

In this volume:

Union News

Anita Novinsky – Marranos and MARRANISM – A New Approach

Naftali Loewenthal – 'Daughter/Wife of Hasid' – or: Hasidic Woman'?

Medieval Jewish Settlements between Romania and Germany

Alfred Haverkamp – Jewish Settlement Between Romania and Germania in the Middle Ages: an Introduction

Christoph Cluse – The Structure of Medieval Jewish Settlement in the Southern Low Countries

Rainer Barzen, Friedhelm – The Hierarchy of Medieval Jewish Settlements Seen Through Jewish and non-Jewish Sources

Annegret Holtmann – Jewish Settlement and Economic Activity in the Medieval Franche-Comte: The Account Books of Heliot of Vesoul


Silke Schaeper – Rabbinical L'etters From Eastern Europe – The Moses Nahum Jerusalimski Collection

Rachel Heuberger – Aron Freimann – 'Master of Jewish Bibliography'

Avraham Greenbaum – A Note on an Error in the Biography of Harry Wolfson


Union News

Yair Lorberbaum – 'The Doctrine of Corporeality of God did not Occur Even for a Single day to the Sages, May their Memory be Blessed' (The Guide of the Perplexed I, 46) Anthropomorphism in Early Rabbinic Literature – A Critical Review of Scholarly Research

Yehuda Liebes – Know How to Answer an Apikorus

Dan Laor – Nathan Alterman and the Whole Land of Israel Ideology

Maoz Azaryahu – Hebrew and Hebraicization in the Formation of Cultural Identity

The Status of Women in Jewish Thought and Hallacha

David Golinkin – Nine Modern Approaches to the Status of Women in the Hallacha

Tal Ilan – Ben Sira's Attitude to Women and its Reception by the Babylonian Talmud

Abraham Melamed – Women as Philosopher: The Image of Sophia in Y. Abravanel's Dialoghi d'Amore

Hananel Mack – Male and Female in the Aggada on Korah and his Company

Judith Hauptman – Women in Tractate Eruvin: From Social Dependence to Legal Independence


Shimon Yakerson – An Unknown Book List From the Period of the Spanish Expulsion

In Memorian

Hanah and Shmuel Safrai – Professor David Flusser

Dan Haruv – Shmuel Etinger and the Jews of Soviet Union

Book Reviews

Zeev Gries – Kabbalah in Hallacha and Prayer by Moshe Halamish

Shmuel werses – The Gate to Haskalah: In Annotated Index to Hame'asef, The First Hebrew Journal – Moshe Pelli

Noam Zohar – Studies in Jewish Law: Papers Presented at the Lublin Conference on Jewish Law

Menachem Zvi Fox – Fragments from the archives: Rosh Hashanah Tractate – David Golinkin

Michal Held – The Beloved Friend and A Half: Studies in Sepharadic Folk Literature – Tamar Alexander-Frizer

New Books and Periodicals in Jewish Studies

Dissertations in Jewish Studies in Israel