The Philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941) creator of the "durée" theory was once asked to explain his premise concisely. The philosopher replied: "What I said was that time exists and is not a "space"". Differentiating between time of real existence -"durée" – and the "space" like time. Bergson meant that the real time has a novel unexpected quality, and cannot be anticipated due to unceasing creativity. Quantifiable time – physics time – on the other hand, all that transpires can be set in advance with the assistance of Mathematical Computations. If so the 'physical time' does not differ greatly from the 'space time' and the result of every movement in it can be calculated precisely in advance provided that we have enough data for the calculation. Since by this assumption the "durée" was stripped of all the process science related areas, it is only natural that while trying to base his central idea, Bergson turns to investigate the two main reality spheres: the spiritual or mental sphere, and in this essay – the life sphere. This is the origin of the spiritual-vitalistic theory.