Table of Contents
David Henshke - A Positive Commandment Overrides a Negative One: The Tannaitic Source of this Principle and its History
Assaf Rosen-Zvi - ‘Even Though there is no Proof to the Matter, There is an Indication of the Matter’: The Meaning, Character and Significance of the Phrase in the Tannaitic Literature
Adiel Schremer - ‘Behold, the Man has Become Like One of Us’: Polemic, Silencing, and Self-Restraint in Early Rabbinic Midrash
David Shneor - The Importance of Paris Manuscript Héb 155 for Understanding the Maps Drawn in Rashi’s Commentary of Numbers XXXIV
Hannah Kasher and Charles Manekin - The Commentary of Joseph ibn Kaspi to the Logical Terms of Maimonides
Esti Eisenmann - The Role of the Medium and the Natural Place in the Explanation of the Natural Motion in Rabbi Moses ben Yehuda’s Thought