Table of Contents
Tefillin Blessing in Eretz Israel and in‰·EE ‡I ‰·EE ‡I„ „Ú (A Note to DavidTefillin Blessing inBook Review
Ronnie Goldstein A New Look at Deuteronomy 32:8-9
and 43 in the Light of Akkadian Sources 5
Shraga Bar-On and Yakir Paz ‘The Lord’s Allotment is his People’:
The Myth of the Election of Israel by Casting
of Lots and the Gnostic–Christian–Pagan–
Jewish Polemic 23
David Rosenthal
Babylonia 63
Shlomo Naeh
Rosenthal’s Article, ‘Eretz Israel and in Babylonia’) 87
Aharon Mondschein On Rashbam’s Rediscovered ‘Lost
Commentary’ on Psalms 91
Avraham (Rami) Reiner An Addition to M. Beit-Arié’s Article, ‘An
Unusual Method of Rendering the Date From
the Creation in Hebrew Manuscripts’ 143
Miriam Frenkel The Forgotten Road to India: A Monumental
Study of Medieval Jewish India Traders