Table of Contents:
Ariel Kopilovitz
Ezekiel's Theology of Holiness and Impurity as a Key to Understanding the Description of the Departure of the 'Glory of YHWH' from the Temple (Ezekiel 8-11)
Nadav Na'aman
The Story of the Exodus between Historical Memory and Historiographical Composition
Gideon Bohak
A New Genizah Fragment of the Aramaic Levi Document
Binyamin Katzoff
Blessings over Mitzvot in Eretz Israel and in Babylonia: Further to David Rosenthal, 'Tefillin Blessing in Eretz Israel and in Babylonia'
Yacov Fuchs
MS Mantova 30
Itamar Kislev
'Exegesis in Perpetual Motion': The Short Commentary of Ibn Ezra as a Source for Rashbam in his Commentary on the Pentateuch
Aviram Ravitsky
The Doctrine of the Mean and Asceticism: On the Uniformity of Maimonides' Ethics
Moshe Idel
Sefer Yetzirah: Twelve Commentaries on Sefer Yetzirah and the Extant Remnants of R. Isaac of Bedresh's Commentary
Maoz Kahana
How did the Hatam-Sofer Seek to Trump Spinoza? Text, Hermeneutics, and Romanticism in the Writings of R. Moses Sofer