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600 gr.


Text-Criticism and Beyond - In Memory of Isac Leo Seeligmann


Textus is the only scholarly journal in the world devoted solely to issues of the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible and related questions. The volumes present a wide range of research papers dealing with general topics and the specialized aspects of the work of the Bible Project, in English, French (with Hebrew summaries), and Hebrew. To date twenty three volumes of studies have been published, edited by the editors of the HUBP and other textual scholars


Alexander Rofé -  Isac Leo Seeligmann – Text Criticism in Context

Jože Krašovec - Phonetic Factors in Transliteration of Biblical Proper Names into Greek and Latin

D. Andrew Teeter - “You Shall Not Seethe a Kid in its Mother’s Milk”: The Text and the Law in Light of Early Witnesses

Christoph Levin Aram und/oder Edom in den Büchern Samuel und Könige

David Weissert - Obadiah 20: Septuagint and Vulgate

Adele Berlin - Rams and Lambs in Psalm 114:4 and 6: The Septuagint’s Translation of X //  Y Parallelisms

Johann Cook - The Relationship between Textual Criticism, Literary Criticism and Exegesis – An Interactive One?

Frank H. Polak - The Place of the Dikaios: Creative Translation and Verse Order in the Septuagint of Proverbs

Bradley Gregory - The Rebuilding of the Temple in the Text of Tobit 13 and its Implications for Second Temple Hermeneutics

Christopher - Begg Solomon Secures his Kingdom According to Josephus

Yonatan Sagiv - “To Give Moses a Pause …”: New Examples of Biblical Textual Divisions as Reflected in Rabbinic Literature and a Suggested Connection to the Calendar Debate

Moshe A. Zipor - “The Blessing of the Priests is not Read and not Translated”?

Rafael Isaac (Singer) Zer - Was the Masorete of the Aleppo Codex of Rabbinate or of Karaite Origin?

Sara Japhet - Did Rashbam Know the Vulgate Latin Translation of the Song of Songs?

Yosef Ofer - Methods and Sources of Yedidya Shelomo Norzi in his Treatise Minhat Shay

Hebrew Abstracts