>The Birth of Doubt
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The Birth of Doubt

Confronting Uncertainty in Early Rabbinic Literature


In the history of halakhah, the treatment of uncertainty became one of the most complex fields of intense study. In his latest book, Moshe Halbertal focuses on examining the point of origin of the study of uncertainty in early rabbinic literature, including the Mishnah, Tosefta, and halakhic midrashim. The book explores instructions concerning how to behave in situations of uncertainty ranging from matters of ritual purity, to lineage and marriage, to monetary law, and to the laws of forbidden foods. This examination of the rules of uncertainty introduced in early rabbinic literature reveals that these rules were not aimed at avoiding but rather at dwelling in the midst of uncertainty, thus rejecting the sectarian isolationism that sought to minimize a community's experience of and friction with uncertainty. 


"In The Birth of Doubt Moshe Halbertal explores the question of halakhic safek and lack of certainty in an array of topics: forbidden foods, ritual; purity, family status, financial law, and more. The arrival of safek as a category was unprecedented until the Tannaitic period, and the author displays how it quickly became a central feature of legalistic thinking in that era. How did Hazal craft halakhic rulings in the face of the religious consequences of lack of certainty?" "New and Noteworthy", Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought, June 2021