>Uncovering the Canon
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Catalog number :

Uncovering the Canon

Studies in Canonicity and Genizah


Table of Contents

Robert Brody — Canon: An Elusive Concept
Sarah Stroumsa — Whose Canon? A Reconstruction of the Philosophical Horizon of Jews in the Middle Ages
Moshe Lavee — Haggadic Midrash in the Genizah, as Reflected in the Book Lists of Rav Yosef Rosh Haseder
Miriam Fraenkel — Literary Canon and Social Elite in the Geniza Society
Daniel Stoekl: Canonization as a Non-Linear Process. What the Christian (and Jewish) Papyri from Egypt Reveal about the Process of Canonization
Menahem Ben-Sasson — Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah: Towards Canon Formation in the Life of an Author
Yehudah Zvi Stampfer — Writer’s Authority and Halakhic Canon in the Geonic Period
Aharon Maman — To What Extent did Medieval Philological Works Survive? Three Case Studies
Shulamit Elizur — Hebrew Poetry in the Cairo Genizah: Survival and Canonization of A-Canonical Texts
Ze’ev Elkin — Sefer Ha-Galui
Gabriela Cerra — Translation and the Canonization of Literary Texts – The Latin Translations of Aratos’ Phaenomena
Donna Shalev — Protagoras and the Controversy over ‘First Inventor’ as a Canonical Founding Figure: Prw'toi EuJretaiv In Greek and Subsequent Culture
Amia Lieblich — The Second Generation of Kfar Etzion − Collective Memory and the Canon
Maya Benish-Weisman — Transformation and Preservation in Jewish Identity Characteristics of Immigrants from the Former USSR
Yoel Regev — The Other Side of the Horse: Canon and Kabbalah: Narratives of Two Disintegrating Balance Mechanisms
Christof Schmidt — Canon, Gnosis and Modernity − Hans Blumenberg's Legitimacy of the Modern Age Revisited
"Uncovering the Canon will enhance academic and theological libraries as well as philosophy collections" - The Association of Jewish Libraries, by: Nira G. Wolfe, March 2012