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Vol. 17
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Periodical for research in the history, culture, and literature of the Jews of Italy.

Whoever is dealing with Jewish thought and humanities knows well how important and influential the Italian Jews were and are in these wide ranges of fields.

The large creation and thought of the Italian Jews was passed on for multi generations in Hebrew and Italian while keeping a firm methodical tradition which ITALIA periodical is following and keeping the importance of studying and researching the language, literature, culture, and history of Italy and Italian Jews.

Italian Jews had a strong presence in the European culture from the 13th century on to our current time. Documents, manuscripts, and many books show us many remarkable authors and thinkers, Italian Jews and others, that had strong ties with the rather small ethnicity of Italian Jews.

Even though there are many respected studies on the contributions of Italian Jews to the cultural making of the Italian nation, there is still a necessary need for a centralized publication of these past and new studies. ITALIA is an important focal point for an academic discussion on the culture, literature, history, and language of Italian Jews as well as a place where we can weight the conclusions of these studies and place goals for future doing in these exciting full of aspects fields.