The Golan Heights is the only place in Israel where many big and small volcanoes exist. It features various volcanic phenomenons, some of which were created in a long process and some in just a few hours. Since the Golan is "young" (geologically speaking), these phenomena are well preserved, almost without erosion or later cover. Furthermore, volcano eruptions are often shown on TV, so we have a chance to understand them better than other geological activities that are slower or take place in the sea or far deserts.
In order to understand and be impressed by the wonderful manifestations of nature that used to be stormy and wild but today is accessible and still, we need a whole book that will tell us about everything that unites all these phenomena together and also explain each of them separately. But it is impossible to understand the Golan Volcanic phenomena without first understanding the whole volcanic procedures on planet Earth, in the depth of the ground at the bottom of oceans and in faraway galaxies.
Unfortunately many people who hike in the Golan pass by many beautiful and rare sites without a clue about what they are missing. Therefore this book's purpose is to inform them about the immense variety of these wonderful phenomena with minimum effort.
This is the reason why the book includes two parts: a general chapter called "An introduction to Volcanology "' and another chapter called "Volcanism in the Golan Heights". In order to enable the readers to understand the geological terms in the book, it also includes a dictionary of geological volcanological terms called " A word in the stone ", a bibliography and a list of the prominent volcanological sites in the Golan: almost all of them are near the road so they can be visited and enjoyed without risking entrance to difficult trails or old mine fields.