>Jewish Studies 47
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Jewish Studies 47

Journal of The World Union of Jewish Studies


Jewish Studies – Journal of the World Union of Jewish Studies has appeared since 1996, when it replaced the WUJS Newsletter, which had been published since 1970. It presents original innovative essays in all fields of Jewish Studies, and includes lists of new publications in these fields.

The Subjects in the book:

Preface: Legends and Folklore: Some Aspects of Louis Ginzberg's The Legends of the Jews in a Historical and Critical Perspective (English)
Aggadah in Higher Unity": The German Manuscript of The Legends of the Jews (English)
The Legends of the Jews as Viewed by Louis Ginzberg and by Others
The Legends of the Jews: On Theological Contacts Between the Babylonian Rabbis and
the Church Fathers in Late Antiquity - A Model and a Case Study
Ginzberg, the Church Fathers, and The Legends of the Jews
The Silent Revolution: The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg and the Genre of Midrashic Anthology
Ancient Jewish Folk Literature: The Legends of the Jews and Folklore Research at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
The Legend of The Legends: Methodological Observations Regarding The Legends of the Jews