Some of the subjects discussed in this book:
Lurianic Kabbalah: Between Myth and Science
The Metaphorical Relation between God and Man and the Significance of the Visionary Reality in Lurianic Kabbalah
On the Concept of Zimzum in Kabbalah and its Research
'Tho Young Roes of a Doe': The Secret Sermon of Isaac Luria before his Death
Katnut ('Smallness') and Gadlut ('Greatness') in Lurianic Kabbalah
Selections from Ephraim Penzieri: Luria's Sermon in Jerusalem and the Kavvanah in Talking Food
Luria's Status as an Halakhic Authority
Halakhah and Commerce in the Biography Isaac Luria
Dream, Vision and Reality in Haim Vital's Sefer ha-Hezyonot
Moshe Cordovero and Isaac Luria Genizat Ha-Or in Simeon Lavi's Ketem Paz and the Lurianic doctrine of Zimzum
The Zoharic Commentaries of Joseph Ibn Tatul
The Lurianic Concept of Prophecy in the Writings of Abraham Cohen Herrera
The Influence of Luria on the Shelah
Lurianic Kabbalah and Rabbi Isaac ha-Cohen Kook's Philosophical System