>China and Israel from Discord to Concord
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China and Israel from Discord to Concord


China and Israel: From Discord to Concord provides the Hebrew reader, for the first time, with eyewitness testimony and historical and economic analysis of the step-by-step evolution of Sino-Israeli ties, from the frozen relationship of the early 1950s to the extensive economic, diplomatic and cultural ties of the twenty-first century.   Included in the anthology are the recollections of diplomats who were central to the creation of Sino-Israeli ties ( Isai Magid, Zev Suffott, Moshe Yegar, and Reuven Merhav) and the perspectives of prominent American, Chinese, Indian, and Israeli scholars. The footnotes attached to these chapters cite up-to-date bibliographical sources, in Hebrew and other languages, for further research on Sino-Israeli relations.


Bulletin - Igud Yotzei Sin, vol. 415, December 2016

"The contributors include Israeli diplomats who were pivotal in the knitting of the China-Israel bond. Among them are Isai Magid (consul in Shanghai 1949- 1951), Reuven Merhav (consul in Hong Kong 1985-1988, subsequently director-general of the Foreign Ministry), Zev Suffott (first ambassador to China) and Moshe Yegar (head of the Ministry’s Asia-Africa Department.) The rest of these thirteen essays were penned by scholars from Israel, the USA, China and India. Jonathan Goldstein, a historian at the University of West Georgia, wrote both the introduction and the epilogue." - Points East- The Sino-Judaic Institute, by Gustavo D. Perednik, July 2016

Galileo, June 2016

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