Nili Wazana Preface
Baruch J. Schwartz Professor Menahen Haran ז"ל
Biblical Studies
Yair Zakovitch The Concretization of Metaphors and Metaphoric Language in the Bible
Leah Jacobsen The Meaning of Elisha’s Words: ‘I would like to kiss my father and mother and I will follow you’ (I Kings, XIX 20a)
Chaim Cohen The Hapax Legomenon דיו (Ink) in the Context of ’ואני כתב על הספר בדיו‘ (Jeremiah 36:18): A ‘False Friend’ in Modern Hebrew Due to the Masoretes’ Misunderstanding of the Preposition בדי Meaning ‘To’ or ‘For’
Hava Shalom-Guy The Confessional Prayer in Nehemiah 9:6-37: A Literary-Historical Consideration
The Bible in Relation to the Ancient Near East
Uri Gabbay The Sumerian Cultic Laments: History, Remembrance and Theology
Nili Samet Reading Literary Texts Historically: The Sumerian City Laments as a Test Case
Edward L. Greenstein A Woman’s Voice in Lamentations 3
Jakob Klein Bat-Ṣiyyon in the Book of Lamentations and the ‘Lamenting Goddess’ in Mesopotamian Literature
Shlomo Bachar Three Appearances of a Figure in Song of Song: Who is she that is ‘Coming up’, ‘Looking through’ and ‘Leaning on’?
History of Exegesis
Nahem Ilan Lamah/Lammah Meaning No/Don’t in Saadya Gaon’s Translations and Commentary
David Shneor A Summary of the Study of Rashi’s Bible Maps and the Reasons for their Disappearance from the Printed Editions of Rashi’s Commenatry
Eran Viezel God’s Revelation to the Biblical Authors in the Writings of R. David Kimhi
Miriam Sklarz Anonymous Quotations from Ibn Ezra in Nachmanides’ Commentary on the Pentateuch
Book Reviews
English Abstracts
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