Table of Contents
Vered NoamIs - It true that ‘A corpse does not defile’? On Ritual Contamination in Tannaitic Literature
Uri Ehrlich - Maʿaseh Bereshit and Shir Shel Yom in the Early Siddur: New Finds from the Cairo Geniza
Yair Lorberbaum - ‘Incline thy ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thy heart unto my knowledge’: Criticism of Aggadah in The Guide of the Perplexed
Zvi Mark - The Mystical Fellowship: On the Visions of R. Shmuel Isaac of Doshiv and R. Yitshaq Isaac of Tirovitz (Two of R. Nahman of Braslav’s First Disciples)
Book Review
Jonatan Meir - Scholem’s ‘Archives’