Hansel is professor
emeritus ofmathematics and computer science at
theUniversity of Rouen. He is Emmanuel Levinas' son-in-law.
In parallel with hisscientific work, he has been
leading a circle ofJewish thought studies for several
decades. Hehas written various articles in
this field and madeseveral noted contributions at the
yearlymeetings of the “French-speaking Jewishintellectuals”.
He published Explorationstalmudiques (Paris,
Odile Jacob, 1998), a booktranslated into
Hebrew under the title HaqirotTalmudiot (Kineret
Zmora-Bitan, Dvir, 2010). He also
published, with Christian Ciocan, Levinas
Concordance (Springer, Dordrecht, 2005), a sum
providing access to the 28 bookswritten by Emmanuel