Hillel Nossek, Ph.D.(1990) Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel on the Title: "Terrorism and the Media" is the academic director of the Research Authority of the College of Mangement Academic Studies Tel-Aviv, Israel and professor of communication at the School of Media Studies of the College He was also the chair of Israel Communication Association since 1998 until 2002. He is currently the co-head (With F. Krotz from Germany) of the Psychology and Public Opinion Section of IAMCR.
His research and teaching interests are in the implications of new and old media consumptions and use on social construction of identities on one hand and news in general and media and political violence in particular. His edited book with Annabelle Sreberny and Prasun Sunwalker on Media and political violence was published by Hampton Press, 2007. He also published articles in various journals on these subjects among them: The new media consumers: Media convergence and the displacement effect. (Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 2001, with H. Adoni) . “The Social Implications of Cable Television: Restructuring Connections with Self and Social Groups” (International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 1996, with H. Adoni) and also: "Our News and Their News. The Role of National Identity in the Coverage of Foreign News",(Journalism,2004).