Issachar Unna

1934 Born - Jerusalem, Israel

1952 - 1954 Served in the Israeli Defence Forces

1959 M.Sc. Degree, Thesis: “Coulomb energies of mirror nuclei” under the supervision of Professor A. de-Shalit.

1959 - 1962 Research Student at Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot.

1960 - 1979 Married to Malka Gewirtz (deceased).

Three children: Ohad (1962), Nechama (1966), Igal (1971).

Since 1961 Member of the American Physical Society (Nuclear Physics Division and History of Physics Division).

1962 Ph.D. degree. Thesis: “Calculation of energy levels and transitions in light nuclei” under the supervision of Professor I. Talmi.

1962 - 1964 Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York.

1964 Lecturer in Theoretical Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1968 - 1984 Advisor, Nuclear Research Reactor, Israel Defence Ministry.

1968 Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1969 - 1970 Sabbatical leave, Research Officer, Department of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, England.

1970 - 1973 Chairman of Physics Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1972 Associate Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1976 Began sabbatical leave at Sussex University, Brighton, England (terminated due to illness of wife).

1980 - 1985 Coordinator for the Sciences and Coordinator for Physics at the Centre for Pre-Academic Studies at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

1980 Married Edna Barkin (Flesh).

1981 - 1985 Chairman of the Physics Committee, Ministry of Education and Culture, Israel.

1982 - 1985 Chairman, Committee for Physics Research Students at the Hebrew University.

1984 - 1987 Organizing a Lectures Program for High Schools: Modern Trends in Physics.

1985 - 1988 Chairman of Studies, Racah Institute of Physics.

1987 - Member, Academic Board of Magness Press/The Hebrew University. General Editor of the ``Science`` series.

1988 - 1989 Sabbatical Leave, visiting Professor at the Open University, Milton Keynes, England. On Course Team of Course SMT 356: Electromagnetism (Units 1-16).

1989 - 1997 Coordinator of ``Amirim`` Honors Program for Science Students at the Hebrew University , Jerusalem.

1990 - 1993 Member, Physics Teaching Programs Committee, Ministry of Education and Culture, Israel.

1992 - Member, Physics Committee, Ministry of Education and Culture, Israel.

March-July 1993 Sabbatical Leave, visiting Professor at Tate Laboratory of Physics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.

1993 - Member, Academic Committee of the Sidney M. Edelstein Center for History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine.

1994 - 1997 Member, Standing Committee of the Pedagogical Secretariat, Ministry of Education and Culture, Israel.

1994 - Member, The Student Affairs Committee, Board of Governors of the Hebrew University.

1999 - 2000 Chairman, Academic Board of Magnes Press/The Hebrew University.

2000 - 2001 Chairman, Academic Council, Jerusalem College of Engineering.

2001 - summer Sabbatical leave, visiting Professor at the Einstein Papers Project, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A.

2001 - Member, Executive Committee, Jerusalem College of


2003-summer Sabbatical leave,at the EPP,Caltech,Pasadena,CA.

2003-November Prof. Emeritus

2004-winter Visit with the EPP,Caltech,Pasadena,CA.
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