Jean-Christophe Attias

Jean-Christophe Attias has been a Professor of the History of Rabbinic
Culture (VIth-XVIIth Centuries) at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne,
Paris, since 1998. Among his publications: Le Commentaire biblique. Mordekhai
Komtino ou l'herméneutique du dialogue, Paris, Cerf, 1991 ; Isaac Abravanel, la
mémoire et l'espérance, Paris, Cerf, 1992 ; Dictionnaire de civilisation juive, 2nd ed.,
Paris, Larousse, 1998 (with Esther Benbassa); Israël, the Impossible Land, Stanford,
Stanford University Press, 2003 (with E. Benbassa); The Jews and their Future. A
Conversation on Jewish Identities, London, Zed Books, 2004 (with E. Benbassa); The
Jew and the Other, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2004 (with E. Benbassa).
J.-C. Attias is also a Jewish public intellectual. He recently edited, with E.
Benbassa, the proceedings of a conference for Jewish-Moslem dialogue they organized
in May 2004 (Juifs et musulmans: une histoire partagée, un dialogue à construire, Paris,
La Découverte, 2006), a book for which they received the Françoise Seligmann Award against Racism, Injustice and Intolerance.
Personal website:
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