Manfred Laemmer

Professor Manfred Laemmer, born 1943, Ph.D. in 1967 from Cologne University (Universitat zu Koln) in Classical Philology and Ancient History, appointed Professor for the History of Sport chair in 1975, at the same time becoming Director of the Institute of Sport History (Institut fiir Sportgeschichte) at the German Sports University Cologne (Deutsche Sporthochschule Koln). His research focuses on the History of Gymnastics and Athletics in Greco-Roman Antiquity, the modern Olympic Movement, Sport and Physical Education in Jewish Society and Interrelationships between Sport, Art and Culture. He is editor of Stadion, Infernational Journal of the History of Sport, as well as being the Director of the Science Unit at the German Sports and Olympics Museum (Deutsches Sport- und Olympiamuseum) in Cologne, a joint project run by the umbrella organizations and federations of German sport. Since 1992, Professor Lammer has been responsible on behalf of the German Olympic Society (Deutsche Olympische Gesellschaft) for the Fair-Play-Initiative of German Sport (Fair-Play-Initiative des deutschen Sport)s. In his capacity as Secretary General of the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) and member of the EFOPM Executive Committee, he was involved in the preparations for the 6th European Fair Play Congress.
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