Gisèle Sapiro is Professor of Sociology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Research director at the CNRS. A student of Pierre Bourdieu, she specializes in the sociology of culture, of intellectuals, of translation, as well as the history and epistemology of the social sciences. Her work is translated in more than 20 languages. She is the author of The Sociology of Literature (Stanford UP, 2024 [2014]), French Writers’ War 1940-1953 (Duke UP 2014 [1999]), La Responsabilité de l’écrivain (Seuil 2011), Les Ecrivains et la politique en France (2018), Peut-on dissocier l’œuvre de l’auteur ? (2020), Des mots qui tuent (Points 2020), Qu’est-ce qu’un auteur mondial ? (Gallimard/Seuil/EHESS 2024). Among the books she (co)edited: Ideas on the move in the Social Sciences and Humanities: The International Circulation of Paradigms and Theorists (2020), Dictionnaire international Bourdieu (CNRS Eds. 2020), and The Routledge Handbook of the History and Sociology of Ideas (Routledge 2023).