פייר בורדייה

Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) is one of the most important sociologists and researcher of art and culture of the XXth century. Trained as a philosopher, he turned to anthropology in Algeria, where he studied the Algerian pre-capitalist society under colonialism, before he became a sociologist of education (The Inheritors, Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture) and of culture, with surveys on museums (Love of Art) and on Photography (A Middle-brow Art). His book on lifestyles and taste, Distinction, rapidly became a central reference in sociology, and his notions of “cultural capital”, “field” and “habitus” were appropriated around the world, including in Israel, to undertake innovative research. He also led specific inquiries into the academic field (Homo academicus), the literary field (The Rules of Art), the field art (Manet. A Symbolic Revolution), and dedicated a study to The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger. Four of his books have been translated into Hebrew so far
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