Born Argentina, 1943. Lives in Israel since 1977. Lecturer at the Department of Spanish & Latin American Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Main fields of research and publications: Latin American literature, Jewish writers and themes in Latin American and Spain. Books: Los latinoamericanos en Israel: Antologia de una aliah (with Yosef Rozen), 1988. Alejandra Pizarnik: ‘Este espacio que somos’, 1994. Co-editor of Judaica Latinoamericana V , 2005. Edited the review Rumbos; co-editor of the review Noaj and editor of the review Reflejos. Member of the following research associations: AMILAT; LAJSA (board member); LASA; AIH; Asociaciףn Internacional de Escritores Judםos en Espaסol y Portuguיs. Translates from English, Hebrew, French to Spanish.