"Rather than focusing on the company’s theatrical productions, Zer-Zion takes a more historical approach, charting the brutal end of German–Jewish dialogue in the early 1930s, the relocation of Habima to Palestine, and its role as a refuge for German Jewish actors and creators who fled Germany." - Studies in Contemporary Jewry, Na'ama Sheffi, May 2018
"Habima in Berlin ends with an elaborate multi lingual (Hebrew, Yiddish, English, German, Russian) List of Sources. Photos dispersed throughout the book lend a personal quality to the work. Habima in Berlin is a research-reference book that should be in any academic library, especially in theater departments." -
Theatre, by Gad Kenar (Kissinger), August 2016
Ha'aretz, by Yair Lipshwitz, May 2016