Yosef Govrin

Dr. Yosef Govrin, ambassador and historian, received his BA, MA, and PhD degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Contemporary Jewish History and International Relations. He joined Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1953 and during his 42 years of diplomatic service he functioned in many capacities in Israel and abroad, inter alia: Ambassador to Romania, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Ministry, and Ambassador to Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and to the UN in Vienna.

The author, is currently a Research Fellow of the Abba Eban Center of Israeli Diplomacy at the Harry S Truman Institute of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has published over 50 research papers and the following books: Israel-Soviet Relations 1953-1967; The Jewish Factor in the Relations between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union; Israeli-Romanian Relations at the end of the Ceausescu Era; Israel's Relations with the East European States, from Disruption to Resumption; and In the Shadow of Destruction, Recollections of Transnistria.
He is also co-editor of Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The First 50 Years

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